Greetings from Millennium City!

Hi. Mick here. Welcome to my personal Hero Games/Champions RPG webpage. While I originally intended this blog to host only the campaign journal for our brand new 5th edition Champions campaign (started Sunday 10, 2011 for those interested) I have decided to use this container for everything related to the Champions RPG and the Hero System, so also reviews of past Champions products, character write-ups, general discussions on Hero mechanics and so forth. If you don’t know what the Hero System is, or what the Champions setting for Hero System is about, just come back in a few days and look for the “About Us” page.Right now I can just tell Hero System is a universal RPG ruleset you can use for any type of campaign you can think of, from horror to fantasy, from sci-fi to pulp, to superhero setting (which is historically called “Champions”). Champions is thus the name given to the “Super” Hero genre campaigns. An adventure set in the Watchmen or Marvel universe is a Champions campaign. Champions also has is default Champions setting, which is called “Champions Universe”. In truth, in the beginning, there was just Champions… but I digress.

A final note: I am Italian. I natively speak Italian. I was very undecided whether to write the blog posts in my native language so that people unfamiliar with the system (Champions is basically unknown in my country) could read about this amazing game, or go with English. In the end I finally decided to write English posts. I recognized there are so few Hero resources around, and so few blogs and websites that it would have been too elitist to manage a Hero blog only for Italians. How many viewers whoulc I have had? 10? This way, maybe, I can get feedback from more people. Who knows, maybe even other bloggers. Beware, my English is not brilliant: I am no Shakespeare or Milton, so don’t expect perfect grammar. What I can assure is everything is going to be written with passion for the best RPG system ever developed!